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A new way to scent your car , easy!

Updated: Sep 21, 2023

A more sustainable car air freshener, try to make the scent by yourself with clay ornament.

Are you still using the car freshener bought from supermarket? Do you drive all day long and enjoy the synthetic chemicals and artificial fragrances ?

Do you know that:

Many supermarket car fresheners are loaded with synthetic chemicals and artificial fragrances that may not be safe for long-term exposure. These chemicals can contribute to indoor air pollution in your vehicle, potentially causing health concerns for you and your passengers.

Commercial car freshenerstend to have strong and overpowering scents that can be overwhelming. What starts as a desire for a pleasant aroma in your car can quickly turn into an assault on your senses, making it difficult to breathe comfortably while driving.

Environmental Impact

Disposable car fresheners contribute to environmental waste. Many of these products are made with non-recyclable materials and are discarded after use, adding to landfill waste and pollution.

It's easy to switch to a re-usable car freshener.

Find a clay ornament, add a ribbon or car vent clip is not hard for most of us. Simply get your favourite essential oil , pour a few drops (3-4 drops is recommended ) on the ornament , don't worry about stain . You've done small but great impact on global warming and help reduce any unnecessory polluton and waste.

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